Call Center Observer
Products >> Call Center Observer >> Main CCObserver Screen
Main CCObserver Screen
Shows customers calling from different geographical locations in the US. Different maps are available in the "Maps" drop-down menu. CCObserver makes it possible to get any map in the US, Alaska, or Hawaii up to scale of 50 ft. per inch. This allows the user to customize a set of maps in the "Maps" menu and make them available for any region in the US where their expected call frequency is highest. The color of each call reflects the length of time the caller has been waiting. Normal waiting time is represented by green, which changes to yellow, and finally, red, as the waiting time increases. The length of time for each color is customizable. Customer calls can also be filtered by data attached to the call. The user can display, for example, only "Gold Customers," "Platinum Customers," etc. Instant data about calls/customers is available. CCObserver provides support for instant messaging using regular telnet service. Four additional GUI interfaces - "Simulation", "Options", "Replay", and "Customer Info" - can be called up by pressing the appropriate button on the main interface.
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Main CCObserver Screen
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